Best ways to earn money online in india make money online - gaming suraj ff - GAMING SURAJ FF

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Monday 2 January 2023

Best ways to earn money online in india make money online - gaming suraj ff

 Best ways to earn money online

 { by Suraj mishra }


I'll be able to describe to you the precise steps I took to make money online with a laptop and an internet connection.

make money online:

Even if you don't make any money in the beginning, you can work consistently on your side business if you have a passion for learning a new talent (such content writing, SEO, designing, or video editing).

Earn Money Online 

steps .

1. Become a Freelancer

There are many paid internet jobs available in India for talented programmers, designers, and marketers. All you need to do is wait patiently and be open to learning more. If you have the necessary talents, freelancing is the ideal option to make money online without making any investments.
To be a successful freelancer, you need to possess two skills. Your primary skill is the first, and marketing is the second. To create your profile, if you are not a skilled marketer, ask a professional for assistance. To attract clients, you must possess strong communication abilities.

2. Become a Consultant

Many individuals would be interested in your knowledge and suggestions. To work as a consultant or teacher, you only need to be better than your pupil or client. You don't need to be an absolute specialist in one field.
Anyone who possesses a competitive core competence can work as a consultant online and get clients. If you work in the legal or financial fields, for instance, you can create a website and begin luring clients online.

3. Earn Money from YouTube

It's possible that you're unaware that people are making millions on YouTube. Again, it's not a simple solution, but it is definitely achievable for anyone who can record and post movies on a specific subject.

Successful YouTube channels can be created by two different types of people: those that produce humorous and entertaining videos, and those who produce extremely helpful videos for a specific audience (like students, mothers, housewives, tech geeks).

4. Become a Stock Trader

To begin a freelancing job, you don't need any money, but to begin a career as a stock trader, you will require a small sum of cash.

If you know how to choose the appropriate stock, you can make money online by trading stocks. To begin trading, you must a demat and trading account.

I must warn you that trading stocks carries a risk of financial loss, therefore it is best to start small and devote more time to learning the fundamentals.

You can discover how to use intraday trading to make Rs. 1000 every day. After studying the fundamentals of stock trading, you can begin trading.

Discount brokers work well for intraday trading because their fixed brokerage fees, which can reach Rs 20 per trade, apply to all trades.

5. Become A Domain Flipper

At domain marketplaces, you can purchase brandable names that you can later sell for more money.

I currently hold more than 50 domains. I continue to invest in domains and recently sold one for $15,000. (equivalent to Rs. 10 lakh). You will learn how to profit from the sale of domains after you begin working on your online business.

6. Content Writing

 If you know how to write quality material, you can make money quickly. To earn a respectable living online, you can study the craft of copywriting.

Good content writers, who can make up to $200 per article, are in hot demand.

7. Start A Blog WEBSITE

It will take time to increase website traffic and generate revenue from your blog as an online business. However, as soon as you start making money from your blog, it will continue to do so even when you are asleep.

Simple Google Adsense allows you to create ads and make money with Google.

8. Affiliate Marketing

Starting an affiliate marketing business is like opening a store. To earn a respectable living, you register with online merchants like Amazon and Flipkart and promote your favourite products on your website and social media.

Because affiliate marketing may work with any type of internet business, I am talking about it separately. Some people even earn money with affiliate marketing without having a website.

9. Sell Softwares Online

That is the most attractive and successful technique to operate an online business. Small items can be created and sold using a subscription approach (Software as a Service).

You can also release paid Apple and Android mobile applications. If 100,000 people download your $10 app, you can earn $1,000,000 from it.

10.EARN Money from Social Media

There is no cap on the amount of money you can make using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

The fact that majority of their social media followers are in the entertainment industry is a benefit for these individuals. People in the fashion and entertainment industries can make money from their Instagram accounts.

Moment to Act

I am aware that this is only a brief introduction to internet income opportunities. Whichever method you choose, let me know in the comments so I can give you more pertinent information.

You can also choose a business plan from my list of 100 low-cost ideas for an online business. I've covered every sector, including finance, technology, travel, apparel, retail, education, food, jobs, politics, and Bollywood.


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