Health Benefits of Banana : रोजाना केले खाने के जबरदस्त फायदे - GAMING SURAJ FF

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Monday 3 October 2022

Health Benefits of Banana : रोजाना केले खाने के जबरदस्त फायदे


1. nutrient-dense

Bananas come packed with antioxidants and a decent quantity of fibre. 126 grammes of a regular-sized banana also claim the following (1 Trusted Source):

112 calories

0 grammes of fat

1 gramme of protein

29 grammes of carbs

3 grammes of fibre

12% of the daily value for vitamin C (DV)

7% of the DV for riboflavin

6% of the DV for folate

5% of the DV for niacin 

can you eat banana during your pregnancy?

In addition to providing relief from morning sickness, bananas are a wonderful source of potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, and fibre.

Pregnant women are advised by the National Institutes of Health to consume three to four servings of bananas daily.

Here i will mentioned some benefits of this delicious fruit for pregnant women:

 good calcium source

About 10 milligrammes of natural calcium may be found in 200 grammes of bananas. In addition to its role in bone and skeletal system development throughout life, calcium aids in the growth of the foetus in the womb by accelerating the neurotransmitter in the process of muscle contraction.

Contains folic acid in it

It is impossible to overstate the advantages of folic acid for a pregnant woman since it is crucial for the development of the nerve, brain, and spine. Bananas minimise the incidence of birth abnormalities as well as folic acid deficiency, which results in preterm delivery.

increases energy

For pregnant women, bananas instantly boost their vitality, especially when paired with milk. Bananas have roughly 28 grammes of sugar per 225 grammes, which is suitable for pregnant women and new moms. Additionally, it includes three natural sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) that can provide pregnant women more energy.

Reduces gastrointestinal problems

Pregnant women are progressively more likely to experience constipation. Bananas can ease bowel movements and lessen stomach bloating. Banana consumption can be increased by expectant mothers as the fruit includes fibre that facilitates better bowel movements.

Banana benefits and health hazards

One of the most consumed fruits in the world is the banana. They have important nutrients in them that may safeguard one's health.

Consuming bananas can lower blood pressure and perhaps lessen cancer risk.

This article will examine the various advantages of bananas for your health, including how they may strengthen your heart and encourage regular bowel movements. It also looks at any health hazards that bananas could have, according to physicians.
The number of nutrients in one medium banana daily need for adults
Energy 105 1,800–3,000 calories

27 grammes of carbohydrates, including 14.4 grammes of sugar,

Fiber (g), 3.12, 25.2, and 33.6

46–56 grammes of protein

Magnesium 31.9 320-420 (mg)

mg of phosphorus: 26 700

Mg of potassium: 422 4,700

Micrograms of selenium (mcg): 1.9 55

11.6 mg of choline, 425–550

10.3 mg of vitamin C (75-90)

(mcg DFE) 23.6 400 Folate

(mcg) 30.7 Beta carotene No data

Alpha-carotene (mcg): 29.5 No information


Some people need to watch out for overeating bananas.

Beta-blockers: To lower the risk of problems they associate with cardiovascular disease, doctors frequently prescribe these medications. Potassium levels in the blood might rise after using beta-blockers.

Those with impaired renal function should avoid excessive potassium intake. It might be dangerous if the kidneys are unable to eliminate too much potassium from the blood. Beta-blocker users should consume foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, in moderation.

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